Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Do we need to worry about Swine flu?

Do we actually need to worry about Swine flu? Watching news about swine flu daily definitely is scary. Ever since the incident about swine flu takes place in Mexico, almost everybody is following closely to the flu news monitoring the spreading and action taken by the government. “Will swine flu ever get close to me? Will I get infected and die?” Perhaps these are the questions that most people will think of. The truth is before the swine flu gets to you, the news about swine flu might hit hard first. No doubt that swine flu is not to be taken lightly but sometimes it’s the fear towards the flu that is lethal. Take for example the mass slaughter of pigs in Egypt. Regardless if the pig has anything to do with the flu, this action might just destroy the living of many people. Not to mention that the amount of food that is destroyed, it’s just a waste. In some places people are worried more about starving to death then the swine flu. Or shall I say there are lot more deadly disease to worry about then swine flu. If we take a look around us and we can see that death cases cause by cancer, heart attack, AIDS including car accident has an incredibly large number. You don’t have to dig up the numbers and compare the statistics to understand it. You just have to recall the funeral that you’ve attended and you’ll feel the impact.

There are too many things that we need to worry about but that doesn’t mean we don’t have to take action about swine flu. The least that all of us must do is to get the facts right. Eventually knowledge about swine flu will help us through and so does the knowledge about other disease too. It’s not just about method of curing it. It’s about preventing, controlling and most importantly eliminate the fear within so we can continue our daily live without much disturbance.


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