Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Million Blog List

Building links to your blog is a must if you really want to get more traffic. It’s an ever continues work that keeps on going and going. Here’s a site that you can add your blog into their million blog list project. The site is trying to get 1,000,000 blogs to list themselves on their site. The project just started on April 10th, 2008 and just reaches No.1139 as I write. You just need couple of seconds to add your blog into it and you have the chance to be chosen as Blog of The Week. That will increase you blog exposure and more people will visit your blog. This blog is listed at No.1107 and that seems to be a good number. You can also wait for the list to reach your favorite number and add your blog. If you have a lot of blogs to add then I suggest you spread them out. That might work better in getting more exposure without others feeling annoying about it.

Get listed at www.millionbloglist.com


Anonymous said...

I tried to join this list but simply can't figure out how/where to make the link. Oh well. I'm not that good with computers!

kumowai said...

Just look for the link "Add your blog to the list" and follow the instruction. You should able to add your blog succesfully.