Saturday, May 29, 2010

Create your own Template Fast

Templatr is a website that enables user to create a template fast. It took just couple of minutes to actually create a rough unique template. User just has to follow 4 simple instructions to make it. The first step is to select a layout. Second is up load graphic. Third is used the designer tool to generate the pages. Fourth is downloaded the template and install. There is no programming involve during the whole process. Users are prompt with selective options together with self explanation. Basically users need to select and decide to create a template. I think this template generator is good for those looking to create lots of templates fast. I suppose if you’re always in a move to create sales page to promote your products, this template generator might be helpful.

P/S: This template generator might be handy. In the other hand it also generates lot of low quality templates. That might not be healthy because it might just create template spamming issue.

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