Wednesday, September 12, 2007

PR5 Linky Love helps you make money online

Not a very good looking blog for a title Linky Love. A pair of pink cars at the upper right corner sure makes some attraction. Lots of links and RSS can be seen at both side of the blog. Well, that’ generally my first impression on the blog. Linky Love is a blog that helps others to rank higher on the internet and make money online. There are a lot of blogs that have the same topic. Generally if you’re looking for a guide or someone that could give you a hand on this category, it will be wise not to go for the top guys. They might not have time for you. Look for those that are new and could answer you. For that, Linky Love is one of your choices.


Linky Love said...

Thanks Kumo!

You are right, the new ones love to answer you back :-)

Since you find my blog not good looking, what could be improved?


kumowai said...

Hi, nice to meet you. OK, I'll just let you know what went through my mind when I browse through your blog. It seems that things are scatter around. A lot of info there but just don't know where to start. I think you're missing one big title. A good header of Linky Love will marks the starting point of your blog. Also you need to reorganize your blog so that it seems more net. But I think the most important thing is the header, it's your trade mark.